
The invitations we choose in life

Stop attending every invitation you are invited to.Sit still and relax and think of the invitations you have in life. Various invitations come with offer.Weddings, funeral, confirmations and dinner all leave us with flowers, food and tears.

Invitations that make us drift from who we really are therefore make us sin.Drinking out to seek comfort, to sabotage others, revenge, to cut corners, join a social media group to type and send filth and be in bad company.They all offer us pain, distraction and steal our joy.Why give yourself to a bottle of beer and a puff of weed and a call it relaxation from depression? We all have our own burdens and in clearly in most times we lay our trust on this materials that do not last long but leave us with more worries.

Fear brings a lot of confusion and that is why we are tied down to unhappiness and anxiety.Many are too proud to admit that they have burden and they would rather let it burn inside them.I see no need of living a misgiving life as you kill yourself slowly by smoking, excessive drinking and forgetting your marriage vows for moments for pleasure.In time the such invitations leave us helpless.

I pause and think of Jesus.Have you thought of him to?He tell us to come to him.All who are tired and enslaved with sin.If we need help we do  not need to smoke or engage in vicious activities. Divine help comes from Him and we get a chance to put down the burden.The York of guilt we carry will not settle unless we go to Him and receive peace that surpasses human understanding.If the children in the Holy book were comfortable being in his presence why can’t we do the same?

It’s high time we quit going to seek comfort in lousy invitations.The invitation that God gives us is ever open and free.He attends to all our needs and does not need us to rely on fountains of drugs and alcohol. His burden is lighter than the burden of sin that entangles us.

As I conclude,he is waiting for us to accept his invitation so that he can calm us. Moreover, He wants to show you the light to choices we make to succeed, open doors for you, embrace you as he takes the York upon you.

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