
Why I think we should support our local business

When beginning a business, they are numerous pros and cons the entrepreneur is likely to face. If you happened to come across last weeks article on ‘Bongo celebs that have turned their fame to business’ you might as well as picked a few lessons.

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However, as for Tanzania, local business have occupied a higher rate. For a fact, there a things that one has to determine while being in a business. First entrepreneurship starts at home and how work translates into value and a very well money. As for us the minute we hear our family members or friends have started a business we don’t support…We beg! On a real note, whenever our very own has a new business, tweeter will show you how lazy we are to support. People are usually the first ones to tweet ‘Oi how about you give me some’. Without shame they will not even think to support all they want is free things.

Its funny most of them would be very affordable but here we are ‘omba omba’ till i don’t know when will we will stop! The more we get used to that behavior your friends business will not grow. For example diamonds peanuts are affordable but his fellow celebs have not tasted them yet or rather tried to market through there snaps except for Sultan and Mdee but the rest probably just know he has enough money so why bother? Success is not easy so if you call yourself a true friend be a helping a hand buy the product and quit pretending like you cannot afford. When you consider how many small businesses surround you in your everyday lives, it is impressive to think about the amount of time, commitment and labor these hard working individuals contribute to make their businesses both come to life and stay alive. Happiness is not a goal ;it is a by product -Eleavor Roosevelt.

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