
Chemical: Tanzanian female rapper with unique style

By Pauline Bohela

Claudia Lubao also known as Chemical, has made her way through in the music industry. She is a rapper and this young lady has set the path for other young female artists who have the ability to make a step in rapping.


It is quite obvious that Tanzania is blessed to have many singers who have great vocals to listen to and enjoy especially for the female artist like Vanessa Mdee, Lady Jaydee, Shilole,Shaa to mention a few.

I was intrigued by the fact that this rapper did not just wake up one morning and knew she could rap. It all started when she was in high school whereby she used to sing and after some time she could put some few rap lines at the end of her songs.

I know how it feels to hear that a lady in bongo is rapping and yet we are all stereotyped to agree that hip hop is for males so we are meant to leave it to them.

But this optimistic lady decided to stand out and do her the thing she felt more passionate about. I believe that since she has made a unique step for this type of art it will push the music producers to take the woman seriously who want to portray their rap skills.

I am also looking forward for her several collaborations with other bongo artists because it will open the doors for her growth and her experience.
So far, so good this lady has given us thumbs up for us to demand more from her and we surely look forward for more of her raps!!

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