
Vodacom App Star: Mobile App Developers this is your chance to shine

Vodacom App Star


Here is your chance to be the star among the Developer community and win great prizes including super cool gadgets and an all paid trip to Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
Vodacom App Star is open to all developers that meet the criteria below:

• Local relevance – the App submitted should be designed to meet local market consumer needs and be relevant to the target demographic social challenges

• Innovation – the App submitted should be unique, in terms of functionality or purpose and should utilise current device functionality

• Quality – the App submitted should be produced to high quality, fully functional with minimal errors and would provide a simple and easy to use user experience

• Business Viability – the App submitted should be suitable as a start-up application that could be profitable and sustainable

Submit your idea now here (, before the 25th of November 2014.

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