
Zahara Nakiyaga crowned Miss Uganda 2015 (Photos)

Zahara Muhammad Nakiyaga took home the Miss Uganda 2015/16 crown early Saturday, beating 20 other contestants at Kampala Serena Hotel.

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L-R: 2nd runner-up Engrid Ritah Wanyana, Miss Uganda Zahara Nakiyaga and 1st runner-up Juliana Nabwobwe

The 23-year-old was followed by Juliana Nabwowe and Engrid Wanyama as first and second runners-up respectively.

Miss Uganda 2015 Zahara Muhammad Nakiyaga in her prize car

Nakiyaga had been billed as the favourite right from the onset and she seemed to ride very well on that as an advantage against her fellow contestants.

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Regional winners: L-R Miss Northern Husna Rajab, Miss Eastern Bridget Sanyu, Miss Western Diana Nabimanya and Miss Central Zahara Muhammed Nakiyag.

Zahara is a student who hails from Mityana district and has previously said her role model is her elder sister Rehema Aanyu.

Source: New Vision | Photo credits: The Obsever

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