
Are you making your twenties worth it?

Comrades, if you are in your twenties and you have no idea of what to do yet this is for you. First I am not a moral cop to set the self -discipline rules for you. With so many opportunities surrounding us in our twenties I feel like most of us are wasting time.

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For example if you are interested in arts that is; journalism you do not have to wait for someone to buy your show. You can begin your YouTube channel as practice and for sure be prepared for critics. It is not a must for you to have a camera, begin with your smartphones. The bundles you waste on mobile networks watching irrelevant can be used to upload your videos or watch tutorials on how to make proper You Tube videos. There so many of you who want to be in the media panel but are not specific to what they want to be. It can be presenter,photographer or writer.

The problem with majority who are in their twenties, you happen to waste your money on bars drinking like the world is ending. Some are busy snapping what they are eating and pretty much showing off. I get disappointed when I hear that teenagers are wasting time twerking and caught selling drugs. Your twenties define you! Trust me whatever mediocrity you have been entertaining, friends that have been nothing but trouble, detach yourself from them and focus on yourself. You do not have to wait for someone to tell you what to do, you can start now and settle for what will build you. So stop twerking and start working!

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