
What to know about blogging

A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

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A blog is usually used by one to express themselves to the world, this is usually done by updating the blog on an ongoing basis. Blogs are normally a single page of entries, they are organized in chronological order, from the most recent to the least recent and they are usually stream of consciousness, meaning there is no particular order for them. If you are interested in blogging, you have to know which one you can be interested for example: business, professional, personal, reverse , affiliate and media blogs.

While blogging there are tips you may prefer to consider ;

1. It is your right to voice your opinion – as a content creator it is your obligation to use and protect these rights at all times.

2. Be critical of everything, even yourself – it’s your obligation to shed critical light on what goes on in society as well as how the events are being presented.

3. Use your power to protest – you can shine a light on injustices and neglect perpetrated on individuals and groups.

4. Tell the truth at all times – words and images are powerful weapons that should be used with the utmost care.When publishing content, present the facts as they are, even if you disagree with face.

5. Present your opinion as your opinion – when voicing your own or someone else’s opinion or interpretation, always state it as such. Never present opinion, interpretation or conjecture as fact.

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